Automation & Control Systems Sdn Bhd


Automation & Control Systems Sdn Bhd - Lios

Rising demand for electricity is creating the need for utilizing important transmission backbones at their maximum capacity. Enormous benefits can be generated by improving utilization of existing and future installations, and this is where EN.SURE can supply valuable assistance. Based on the real time temperature measurements along the entire cable circuit and the actual electrical current reading EN.SURE offers the exact dynamic cable rating of the installation, based on the IEC 60287 and IEC 60853 standards.

Intelligent and Precise Load Management Even During Hot Emergency Events

The EN.SURE emergency rating provides the following information useful for the cable operator under newly given operating conditions:

Based on a higher load applied for so many hours: What will the cable temperature be at the end of the emergency case?
Given the operating temperature and the applied (over) load, the EN.SURE RTTR solution predicts the temperature of the cable in the future.

Based on a higher load for a given period of time: When will the installation reach its design emergency temperature?
Given the operating temperature and the applied (over) load, the RTTR gives the time that it will take for the cable to reach a specified emergency temperature.

Based on initial conditions and a maximum operating temperature: What is the maximum current that can be carried by the system?
Given the operating temperature and a time frame for an over load, the EN.SURE RTTR computes the maximum current that the circuit can carry to reach certain emergency temperature.

Automation & Control Systems Sdn Bhd - Lios
Automation & Control Systems Sdn Bhd - Lios

Power cable monitoring combined with Real Time Temperature Rating (RTTR) provides valuable data to Operators:

  • Power cable conductor temperature at the core of the conductor
  • Predictions for emergency ratings, transient calculations for Time/ Current/Temperature


Furthermore, the RTTR system can provide continuous and automatic adjustment of calculation parameters such as ambient temperature, thermal resistivity, etc..

Automation & Control Systems Sdn Bhd

Our Services
Mechanical Hydraulic Governor & Electronic Controls Servicing
Customer Training
Cable Condition Monitoring Services

Automation & Control Systems Sdn Bhd

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